StraightTalk is a professional business blog on a mission to explain business architecture, end-to-end, with the goal of helping to advance the discipline globally through shared knowledge. It's like your personal guide through the world of business architecture — delivered twice monthly.

Life Architecture: Bringing An Intentional Approach to Personal Improvement
By Whynde Kuehn | 6 January 2020
Welcome to the first StraightTalk installment of the new year, and in fact, the new decade. In keeping with our focus on the human side of business architecture, this installment explores the concept of life architecture, inspired by an amazing human story. As you know, the mission of StraightTalk is to break down business architecture bit-by-bit to […]

Servant First: How Servant Leadership Makes Business Architects More Impactful
By Whynde Kuehn | 16 December 2019
Well, this is the last StraightTalk of the year (sniff) and with the holiday season upon us, it’s a good time to reflect and expand our perspective. We all know that being a successful business architect or having a successful business architecture practice is not only about what we do, but also about how we […]

Good to Great: How to Become a Great Business Architect
By Whynde Kuehn | 17 September 2018
This installment of StraightTalk is a follow-on from our previous post on what makes a great business architect. Let’s get actionable on what we talked about last time. You had me at “business architect,” so how do I become a great one? Here are some of the most important things you can learn to become […]

In Search of Greatness: How to Find or Be a Great Business Architect
By Whynde Kuehn | 3 September 2018
What makes a “great” business architect is a topic of much curiosity and debate. So this installment of StraightTalk is about you, business architect, and what makes you tick. P.S. Check out Post No. 6 for some background on what business architects do. First, born or made? Great business architects are probably more “made” through […]

An All-Star Cast
(a.k.a. Building a Business Architecture Team – Take 1)
By Whynde Kuehn | 3 July 2017
Okay, thanks to Post No. 6 we know all about business architects. Now let’s talk about how we assemble them into an all-star cast to make magic. First, who should we put on the business architecture team? There are a lot of things to consider, but here are three biggies as you think about your […]
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