The Artist In You

(a.k.a. The Journey of a Business Architect)

By Whynde Kuehn | 19 June 2017

Hey, business architects, you’re the stars of this post. You transform our organizations, make them run better and even design new ones. Here’s to you. So what does a business architect do anyway? There are three focus areas of the business architect role in any organization: Applying business architecture to various scenarios (a.k.a. “architecting”) Building […]

We Are Family

(a.k.a. Integrating Business Architecture Into the Enterprise)

By Whynde Kuehn | 5 June 2017

Remember way back to StraightTalk Post No. 1 when we talked about what business architecture is and a whole bunch about what it is not? That’s because business architecture has a lot of friends that it needs to work within an organization’s ecosystem. Okay, what’s this all about? The bottom line is that to be […]

Let’s Get This Party Started

(a.k.a. How to Start a Business Architecture Practice)

By Whynde Kuehn | 15 May 2017

Knowing what business architecture is: Check. Knowing why we do it: Check. Knowing where it fits within the strategy execution life cycle: Double Check. Knowing where to start: Not so much. So where do we start then? Starting business architecture within an organization can be a fairly organic process, but there are a proven set […]

The Strategy Execution Metanoia

(a.k.a. Translating Strategy Into Action With Business Architecture)

By Whynde Kuehn | 1 May 2017

“Houston, we have a problem.” “Uh, this is Houston. Uh, say again please.” We have a strategy execution problem. Remember that whole deal in Post No. 2 about how constant change is the new normal as customer expectations increase and the external environment evolves at an escalating pace? That means the ability for organizations to […]

Start With Why

By Whynde Kuehn | 17 April 2017

Why should we do business architecture? Good one. That’s the million-dollar question. Simon Sinek says, “Start With Why.” A big part of the answer is not just why business architecture is so important, but why it is so important now, so we’ll start there. A lot of people wonder how business architecture can be so […]