Decisions, Decisions: How Business Architecture Facilitates Better Decision-Making
By Whynde Kuehn | 1 July 2019
In this installment of StraightTalk, we’ll take another look at business architecture in action. This time, we’ll focus on how it can be used as a framework for better decision-making. The intention here is to give you some examples of how you can use business architecture to support different types of decision-making within your organization. […]

The Future is Distributed and Decentralized: How Business Architecture Helps Organizations Leverage Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology
Guest starring: Josué Batista
By Whynde Kuehn | 7 January 2019
In this installment of StraightTalk, we explore another topic relevant to our digital future: blockchain and distributed ledger technology. We spoke with business and technology strategist, Josué Batista, who gives us the straight talk on how business architecture can help organizations to leverage blockchain and distributed ledger technology for value. This post is based on […]

From Alpha to Zero: How Business Architecture Helps Organizations Leverage Artificial Intelligence
Guest starring: Raj Ramesh
By Whynde Kuehn | 17 December 2018
Business architecture is front and center to helping organizations prepare for a digital future. In this installment of StraightTalk, we spoke with Dr. Raj Ramesh, who gives us the straight talk on how business architecture can help organizations to harness this artificial intelligence (AI) revolution. This post is based on our recent interview with him. […]

How to Deal With Strategy Challenges: Bad Strategy, Non-Strategy, No Strategy
By Whynde Kuehn | 2 July 2018
Our next few posts will focus on some more advanced situations that we business architects often run into. We call this the “how to deal” series. If you are in the throes of a maturing a business architecture practice, these posts might be right on cue to remind you that you’re not crazy and give […]

Business Architecture In Action For Risk and Compliance Management — How Business Architecture Helps Organizations Identify and React to Risk and Compliance Challenges
By Whynde Kuehn | 2 April 2018
Here in StraightTalk Post No. 25, we’re going to take another look at business architecture in action—this time to help organizations manage risk and compliance. You’re about to have some new fans of business architecture, like your friends in legal, compliance, risk management and audit. Good friends to have. What’s the problem? Here are a […]