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Making a Global Impact–Whynde Kuehn Presents to Principal Financial Services

On May 8, 2018, Whynde Kuehn, Founder and Managing Director of S2E Transformation Inc. was an invited speaker at Principal Financial Services, Inc. on the topic of volunteerism. She presented a talk entitled, “Making a Global Impact.” Kuehn demonstrated that individuals have the power to make a global impact. The ripple effect one person can have on an organization, a community, a nation—our world—is immeasurable and truly possible at this unique point in history. Whynde shared her story of how she has personally woven together work, life, adventure, and service to others into one journey of continually increasing impact. Most importantly, she discussed how individuals can make a global impact now from any place on the planet, and share some practical ideas for moving into action.

Principal Financial is committed to promoting volunteerism throughout the company by enabling a network that is made up of company employees that actively seek to contribute and improve quality of life in their communities.

Whynde Kuehn on Making a Global Impact
Whynde Kuehn, S2E Transformation Founder, speaking on“Making a Global Impact” at Principal Financial Services.


